HomeStar Bill of LadingHow Do I....Backup the data files.

7.27. Backup the data files.

You can run a backup of the data files at anytime as long as there is no one using the program (if using the Network Edition). The program will create a zip file of all your data files and can be stored anywhere on your system, network drive, flash drive, etc. Our example saves it to the C:\ drive. To perform this operation just follow the steps below.

There are two ways to arrive at the Backup/Restore Utility.

First, run the program. Click File, Backup/Restore Data, then click Backup/Save Data Files to Archives.

OR, click the Windows Start Button, scroll to and open the Star Bill of Lading folder then select Backup-Restore Data Files Utility.

This will run the Backup/Restore Utility.

You would then select the location of the backup file you want to create/save.

Click on the folder to select a location to store the backup files.

This will display the folder selection screen.

The best location for you to use is probably your Desktop, as it is easy to find.  However, you can use whatever location on your system you want.  After you select where you want the file to be saved to, click on the save button. You can also change the name of the zip file. If you do change it, be sure to include the suffix .zip at the end of the name.

This will take you back to the main screen of the backup utility.

 When you get back to this screen, click on Backup to perform the actual backup of the data files.

Click Exit

Your files are backed up.



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