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Everything you need to install, administer, and use the BoxMinder Program. Along with many tips, tricks, and explanations of common questions and issues that should assist you to find the answers you seek.

1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction

  BoxMinder is a software product designed specifically for mailbox rental stores. It performs the important task of notifying a store's customers via e-mail or SMS text message whenever they receive mail or packages in their mailbox. This service saves them many unnecessary trips or calls to your store, and will definitely be appreciated by customers waiting on important deliveries.

BoxMinder is a standalone package meant to be installed on a local workstation with an Internet connection. It is both easy to use and easy to customize to fit your store's own specific needs.

Boxminder can easily be incorporated into your location's routine. Incoming mail or packages received by the store are sorted and processed as usual. The attendand then runs the software and uses a wireless scanner to scan the barcodes affixed to those mailboxes which contain new materials. Stores without access to wireless scanners can also hand-key barcode/mailbox numbers instead.

Alerts are only sent to customers who have signed up for the BoxMinder service; any customer who have opted out simply have their barcodes ignored by the program.

BoxMinder comes with all the tools required to print mailbox barcodes and customer enrollment forms from your own computers. It also includes a separate e-mail address hosted on our own server at BoxMinder.net for the sole purpose of sending out new notifications to customers; any user replies or bounced deliveries will be sent directly to your stores's own personal BoxMinder address.

Each customer can register up to three different e-mail addresses for instant notification in addition to specifying an SMS/PCS phone text number for text messages, and can request any or all of their contacts to be notified at once. Customers who will be gone for extended periods can even have their notifications put on hold for that period.

An option to include single-line advertisements with new mail notifications is also included with BoxMinder. This is perfect for informing your customers of new or upcoming specials, as well as promoting other community events or business partners. You can organize which advertisements, if any, are sent out through the storage database built into BoxMinder. Send every customer the same default ad, or select a customized message at the time of processing.

You can send out package notifications and package sheets to have the customers sign when they pickup their packages.

There is also a renewal section that will send a notification to your customers automatically when their mailbox rental is coming due long with reminders if not paid in a countown manner.  Then if box is not paid after a set date period, it will deactivate the box and no longer will receive notifications.

BoxMinder comes complete with a mailbox file creation wizard, which automatically sets up new box file records based on input data. It also keeps a transaction history of all sent notifications. Combined with easy installation and robust backup and restore feature, BoxMinder is made to be reliable and user-friendly.

BoxMinder PRO charges a fee of $320.00 for the software itself, and allows you to use your own email account to send the notifications to your customers.  It is a one time fee for the software, and allows you Support/Upgrades/Updates for a period of (1) one year.  After that year, you have an option to purchase Support Maintenance for an additional year.  Or, you can keep what you have and run it as there would be no additional charges since you paid for the software.

You can decide for yourself whether your store will require an extra cost for customers to use the BoxMinder program or if you wish to provide its benefits for free. No extra licensing agreements or fees are required if you wish to charge for this service. It's simple to setup the software to allow for either option, so the choice is yours.

1.2. Flow of Information

This software is designed to notify Postal or Mail Box rental Customers when they have Mail/Packages in their box.

The concept is simple. When mail or packages arrive in the customers box, the Attendant/Clerk scans a barcode associated with that box, if the customer is signed up to be notified of arriving mail, then the program sends out the notification. These notifications can be set to send out a simple email to the customers email address, and/or send out an SMS text message to their PCS phone.

2. Installation

2.1. Where to obtain software

You can download this software directly from our website at:


3. Setup

3.1. Introduction

You will need to setup a few different areas in the software before you begin processing. Below is a short checklist of what needs to be performed before using the software. See the next chapter for running the software for the first time.

  • Setup the System Options

There are a couple of entries that need to be entered before you can begin sending out notifications.

You can follow the instructions for this area by clicking on the System Options Link.

  • Setup the Box file. 
This consists of creating a separate box entry for each mail box that resides in the store.

You can follow the instructions for this area by clicking on the Box File Setup Link.

  • Email Setup

You will need to enter the information given to you when your Boxminder account was created.

You can follow the instructions for this area by clicking on the Email Setup Link.

3.2. Setting up the Software

When you run the software for the first time, you will be presented with the following Welcome screen.

After you click OK, you will be taken to the Setup Options screen.

See Chapter 3.2 - System Option Setup for detailed information

Once you have filled in all of the required information, click Continue. You will see the following dialog screen.

Click OK. Then you will see

Click Yes. You will then be taken to the Box File Inital Setup screen and Wizard.


See Chapter 3.3 - Box File Setup for detailed information.

After you have successfully completed the Box Setup, the next step would be to print out the enrollment form that you can put into each of your mailbox customers box.  This is used to inform your customers of the new service offering.  It will explain what the service is/does and allow them to fill out their information and submit it back to you to add them to the system.  There are two different enrollment forms based on your setup section which you decide whether to charge for the service or not.  To print out the enrollment form, just proceed to the main screen of the program, click on the Setup menu, then System Options.  This will display the System Options screen.  Just click on the File menu, and select Print Enrollment form.  You can preview this form if you wish, as this option is also there to select.  If everything looks good, then just print as many copies as needed.  You can always go back and print these at anytime for new customers as needed.

After setting up the Box file with all the entries associated with the actual boxes in the store, you will need to print the Bar Code Labels to be affixed to the boxes themselves. These consist of a separate bar code label for each mail box. They print on a Labels on a Avery Label Style 5967 which will contain the readable bar code along with the Box Number. These will be used to affix to the actual mail box slot to be scanned. This needs to be performed prior to running the software in production. That is if you plan on using a bar code scanner to enter the boxes that have mail in them. Otherwise you can key each one individually into the system and no bar codes or bar code scanner is needed. But, of course this is not very cost efficient.
Here is more information on the printed bar code labels. 

You can also change the email/text message that is sent to the customers.  Just proceed to the Email setup screen.

3.3. System Options Setup

This screen is used to setup your Store in the system. All the fields are pretty much self explanatory, but we will list them below with definitions. Be sure to completely fill out all the fields that are used for your individual store.


Store Phone#: This is your phone number of your store.

Store/Co Name: Name of your Store or Company name.

Address: Address line 1.

Address 2: Address line 2.

Address 3: Address line 3.

City: City

State/Prov.: State/Province

Zip/Postal: Zip Code/Postal Code.

Country: Country.

Contact Name: Your Contact Name.

Main Phone: Main Store Phone Number.

Fax: Fax Number.

PCS/SMS: Cell Phone Number.

Email: Store Email Address.

Web: Web Site Address.

Charge Customers for this Service: This if checked will tell the system that you are charging your customers to use this service. This will be used to inform the Enrollment form that there are costs involved in signing up for this service.

Cost per year: This is the amount to charge per year to use this service. This will be printed on the Enrollment form for the customer.

Automatically Check for Software Updates Check Box. This if checked, will tell the system to automatically check for software updates every 30 days via the Internet.

Use Backup Feature on Exit.  This if checked, will tell the system to prompt you to process a backup when you exit the software.

Automatically Backup on Exit.  This if checked, along with the Use Backup Feature on exit checked, will tell the system to automatically process a backup when you exit the software.  This will automatically create a backup upon exit. You will only be prompted once to tell the backup where to place the backup.  After this is set, it will just run abd backup without prompting you to do so.

Use Advertisements: This option when checked will activate the Advertisement service. It will all you to add an advertisement to the message that is sent to the customers when they have mail. This does not mean that you have to send an advertisement, just gives you the option to.

Default Advertisement to use: This selection will be the default Advertisement that will be used all the time. It can be changed before sending out the notices on the scan screen if needed.

Use Multiple Notification Types: This option when checked will allow you to use multiple notification typoes. It can be changed before sending out the notices on the scan screen if needed.
Include Subject in SMS messages: This selection if checked will include the Subject in your SMS messages that are sent out.  If not checked, it will only send the message itself as this will make the SMS message shorter and more cleaner to the end user.
Use Box Transactions Feature: This option will activate the Box Transaction Feature that will create a transaction record for all notifications for each individual box transaction that takes place.
Use Renewal Feature: This option when checked will activate the Renewal Service.  It will automatically send out Renewal Notifications to your customers as they come up for renewal.  There are 4 periods that you can set up to notify your customers either via email, text or printed document when their box is coming for renewal.  There are also predetermined messages that get set for each period.  You can find all this information under the Renewal Setup section.
Use Mail Feature:  This option when checked will activate the Mail Notifications Service.  It will allow you to scan the mailboxes that contain mail. This is used to notify the customer that they have received mail in their box. If checked it will be added to the main screen for easy access.
Use Package Feature: This option when checked will activate the Package Notification service.  It will allow you to scan packages when they are received into the store and notify your customer that they have received a package. This will be added to the main screen for easy access.
Print Package Sheets:  This option when checked will activate the Print Package Sheets option.  In conjunction with the Use Package Feature, when you send the Package Notifications it will tell the system to also print the Package Sheets that tell you what package goes to each box/customer and has a signature section for the customer to sign when a package is picked up.
Use USPS Form 1583:  This option will turn on the option to be able to use the USPS Form 1583.  This will add a button option to the Box File Maintenance screen that when you click on it, it will display the entry fields to fill out the USPS 1583 form along with an option to print the form.  It will store the data associated with the Box number so it can be referred to if needed.
Use Graphic Skin overlay in this program:  This option when checked will activate the Graphic Skin that will change the look and feel of the programs screen.
Use 13612 Pricing:  This option when checked will allow you to set up pricing for the mailboxes based on the different rental periods, such as 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month pricing breaks.  This information is shown on the Pricing and Renewal screen.
Pricing & Renewal Button:  This option will display the Pricing and Renewal screen.
Default Advertisement to use: This selection will be the default Advertisement that will be used all the time. It can be changed before sending out the notices on the scan screen if needed.
Email Setup icon/button. By clicking on this icon/button, you will be displayed the Email Setup screen. This screen contains information and settings used in the actual email output of the system. This needs to be setup once.
SMS Setup icon/button. By clicking on this icon/button, you will be displayed the SMS Setup screen. This screen contains the settings for each SMS/Cellular company settings. This should already be setup and is only there incase maintenance is needed for an individual Cellular company. This is updated during the Software Updates option also, so normally you would never need to select this option.
Print Enrollment Form icon/button. By clicking on this icon/button, the Customer Enrollment form will be printed using the information listed on this screen.

Menu Options
The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Preview Enrollment Form - This option will display the Customer Enrollment Form on the screen.
  • Print Enrollment Form - This option will print the Customer Enrollment Form to the printer.
  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen 


  • Box File Setup/Maintenance - This option will display the Box File Setup screen.
  • Email Setup - This option will display the Email Setup screen.
  • SMS Setup - This option will display the SMS Setup screen. 

System File Options:

  • Clear/Empty the Box File - This option will Clear or Empty all the records in the Box file.   
  • Repair Corrupted Files - This option is used if for any reason the data files become corrupted, just run this option to fix them.


  • Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.


Here is a layout of the Enrollment forms that you can print out and place in the boxes to get the customer to join this service.

Here is the one if you choose not to charge for this service.



Here is the form if you decide to charge for the service.

If you wish to create your own, here are two MS Word documents you can download and use to get a start on.

BoxMinder for Free.doc

BoxMinder with cost.doc


3.4. Box File Setup

When you first install the software and run it, you will be displayed a screen called the Box File Creation Wizard. This screen is used to quickly setup your box file in the program for usage. Here is a screen shot of what it looks like.


To create the boxes, you need to know some information about them. First, we assume that there are up to 4 different sized boxes in your store. Small, Medium, Large, and Corporate.

What you need to do is this. Determine the Starting Box number and the Ending Box number for each set of box sizes. In the default listed, we assume you are starting the box number for the Small sized boxes at 101 and ending at 160. This gives you 60 total boxes for the Small box size. And incrementing 1 box number at a time. If you have the same number of boxes - 60, but want to increment them by say, 5, then you would enter 100 as the starting box number and 400 as the ending box number, and of course the increment figure would be 5. After entering all the starting and ending box numbers, along with the increments, click on the Calculate button. This will calculate the number of boxes to be created in the file without actually processing and creating them. You can play around with the numbers until they match your layout of actual boxes. If you do not need Large or Corporate boxes, clear the starting and ending box numbers and the program will not calculate them.

After your calculations are correct, you can click on the Create Boxes button and the program will create the Box File records into the program. This saves time as apposed to manually adding all the box numbers into the Box File Maintenance screen.

If you make a mistake, there is an option under the System Setup screen menus that will allow you to Clear/Erase the box file entries. Caution, be sure to only run this during the setup process as if you select this option during actual usage, it will remove all the records and you will have to re-setup every box entry.

If you made a mistake, and cleared out all the records, you can re-run the Box File Setup Wizard, by either exiting the program or returning to the main screen. Then click on the Setup menu, then Box File Maintenance and there is an option under the Edit menu that will allow you to re-run this Wizard. This will only be visible if there are no records in the Box file.

Starting Box#: This is the beginning box number you want the box file to start creating records for this size from.

Ending Box#:. This is the ending box number you want the box file to end creating records for this size at.

Increment by: This is the Subject line in the Email or Text message to be sent.


Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Create Boxes - This option will actually take the calculations and create the actual box file entries.
  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen. 


  • Calculate - This option will calculate the number of boxes to create in the system.
  • Clear Entries - This option will clear the entries on the screen to allow you to re-enter the information needed.


  • Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.

Button Options:

  • Calculate - This option will calculate the number of boxes to create in the system.
  • Create Boxes - This option will actually take the calculations and create the actual box file entries.
  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.





3.5. Email Setup - PRO Version

To access the Email Setup screen, run the application, click on the Setup menu, then System Options, then Click on the Email Settings Button.

This screen is used to setup the Email portion of the system. All the fields are pretty much self explanatory, but we will list them below with definitions. Be sure to completely fill out all the fields that are used for your individual store. 

Account: This is your Account number of your store. We suggest either using your phone number or store number.

From Name: Name the Emails are to be listed From.

Mail From: Email address the notifications will be from.

Reply To: Email address any replies from the customers are to sent to.

User Name: User Name of the email account you are using.

Password: Password of the emails User Account.

SMTP: This is the SMTP address of the email server sending the emails from.

Port: Port to use for sending the emails through.

Connection: Connection Type.  Either Regular or SSL.

If not using Multiple Notification Types you will see a set of message definitions to be sent as described below.

Subject: This is the Subject line in the Email or Text message to be sent for mailbox notifications.

Message: This is the actual message that will be sent in the Email/Text message. You can change this to whatever you want it to say.

If using Package Notifications you will see another set of message definitions to be sent as described below.

Subject: This is the Subject line in the Email or Text message to be sent for Package notifications.

Message: This is the actual message that will be sent in the Email/Text message. You can change this to whatever you want it to say.

Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Close. This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen


  • Help. This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • About. This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.



3.6. Package Message Setup to Include Tracking Number

This screen is used to setup the Package Message that is being sent to your customers.  If you choose to include the actual tracking number that was scanned on the package receiving form in the email or sms message that is sent to your customer, you need to add it to the message itself.  Here are the instructions to do that.  Here is the email setup screen with the package message shown.


You just need to move the mouse down to the message box for the Package Messages and place it in a location where you want the tracking number to be placed, then Right-Click on your mouse and a popup option will appear.  Then click on the option to insert the tracking number as displayed below.


It will then insert the Tracking Number codes into the message that is being sent to the customer.


So now your text will be sent and received as such,


Of course in this pic, we removed the Subject part of the message to make it cleaner.

Here is a pic of a normal sms message without tracking.

This one also has the subject removed and also an example of an advertisement included.

Whichever one works for your Customers, with or without. Now you have options.

3.7. Renewal Notification Setup Instructions

There is a noification section that will inform your customers and you if you choose when a box is coming due. There are four notifications that are currently available such as - 30 days, 14 days, 0 days and 20 days past due, which will automatically inactivate the box. The system will automatically send out the notifications based on your selections, or use the defaults of the 30, 14, 0, and -20 days, and will print a slip to place into their box with the same
notification, and will print the same for you to keep on record. It can also send you the notifications that those boxes are coming due, etc.

To activate this feature in the program, follow these instructions.

To show/activate this section of the program, go to the Setup menu, then System Options. This will display the System Options screen. To activate the Renewal Notification section, you need to check the box next to Use Renewal Feature. This will display the Renewal and Pricing button on the screen. Just click on it to show the Box Pricing and Renewal Info screen.

This screen will be displayed if you choose standard pricing.

This screen will be displayed if you choose 13612 pricing.  As it allows for breaking down different pricing for 1, 3, 6, and 12 month rental periods. These are per month pricing.

Section - Box Pricing:
There are two different pricing setups based on the Setup options. One is the standard pricing for boxes. One price for each size. This is used no matter if you renew for one month or 12 months. There are different prices available for each box size.

PER MO. This field is the price for each month of the service.
1 MO. This is the price per month.
3 MO. This is a different price per month if paying for 3 months of service.
6 MO. This is a different price per month if paying for 6 months of service.
12 MO. This is a different price per month if paying for 12 months of service.
Of course each is specified by the box size used.

Section - Renewal Notifications:
There are four different renewal periods and notification messages that are available to use. The defaults are 30, 14, 0, and -20 days to send out notifications to your customers. based on the current date and their renewal date. The system will run through all of your box customers and check their renewal dates and send out notifications if they fall into one of the renewal periods. This process is done automatically so you do not have to bother with tracking this information.
There are also options to send the notifications, print the notifications, or to CC (carbon copy you) so that you are also notified when a customer notification is sent out. We offer this because you are not notified when this happens, as it is done behind the scenes.

When you activate this section as described, you will need to go into your Box Maintenance screen and update the Box records to reflect the rental Start Service Date, Begin Rental Date, and End Rental Dates. This will need to be
updated for every box rental. Of course the system bases the notifications on those dates.

There is not an invoicing system for this, as most stores already have an invoice system in place. Anyway, when a box rental pays for their box, you would go to their record, and the easiest way is to select the Length of Rental
drop down, then click the Extend Rental Period. This will update their record with the number of Months they paid for.


3.8. Box Transaction Feature

This option when activated from the Setup Options screen, will create a separate transaction record for each box whenever a notification is sent out to each box.  This is used to track notifications to each individual box.  You can review these transactions under the Box Maintenance screen abd viewing the transactions there.

3.9. Package Notification Feature

This option under the Setup Options menu, when activated will be used to send out Package Notifications to your box recipients when they recieve a package. 


This will change the main screen to add a separate package scan button as shown.

Which will take you to this screen.  Here you can scan the tracking bar code on the package for each package and key in the box number it is to be delivered to.  You can scan /enter all the packages as they are received from the deliver carrier.

When finished scanning/entering all the packages, you will print the package sheets if you have choosen to print the package sheets under the setup screen.  This is very useful to stage the packages for the customer pickup. It prints a separate sheet for each box that has packages to be picked up, so you can easily just place the sheet on top of the package pile for each box.  You can also have the customer sign the sheet and you can file the sheet for proof of pickup and by whom.  Protect yourself, as remember you are liable for the package when it is received by the carrier. This is an option and if you choose not to print them, then the system will only send out a notification to the box holder that they have a package to pickup, otherwise it will send the notification and print the sheets.

3.10. Print Bar Code Labels

After setting up the Box file with all the entries associated with the actual boxes in the store, you will need to print the Bar Code Labels to be affixed to the boxes themselves. These consist of a separate bar code label for each mail box. They print on an Avery Label Style 5967 which will contain the readable bar code along with the Box Number. These will be used to affix to the actual mail box slot to be scanned. This needs to be performed prior to running the software in production. That is if you plan on using a bar code scanner to enter the boxes that have mail in them. Otherwise you can key each one individually into the system and no bar codes or bar code scanner is needed. But this may not be very cost effective.


Here is a layout of the labels that you will receive when selecting this option.




You would peel each label off and stick on the associated back of the mail boxes for scanning.


3.11. How to access the database from a different workstation.

Here are the instructions to access the BoxMinder database that resides on a different workstation or server.

Before you proceed with this task, you will need to figure out where you wish to place the database so each workstation can access it.  Normally this would be a shared location.  Be it either a Network Server or a folder on one of the workstations that each workstation can reach and have full access to. If you do not have a shared location setup on your systems, you will need to set one up.

After you have a location that each workstation can access, you will need to take the database from the workstation that has the BoxMinder software setup and running, and move it to the shared location.  If you have already created a share and the other workstation has access to the database, you can skip to the last step and point the other workstation to the shared database.  Otherwise, continue below.

Run the software, click on the Help menu at the top of the screen, then About..  You will see the About screen.  Click on the link that shows you the location of the current data files. as show.

When you click on the link, it will popup a menu selection to either Open or Move, select the Move option.

This will display the browse option.  Use this to browse over to a different location/workstation/server.


When you have located the data file you want to moveto, click OK.  The program will close, and you will need to re-run.  You should now be pointing to the shared location database.

After this has been completed, install the BoxMinder software onto the other workstation, run it and click About...  Follow the same option by clicking on the database location but click Open, and point to the shared location you have setup.

Now both workstations should be pointing to the same and sharing the database.

3.12. How to move the database to another machine for access.

If you need to move the database files from the current location to another, say a shared workstation or a server.  Follow these instructions.

Run the software, click on the Help menu at the top of the screen, then About..  You will see the About screen.  Click on the link that shows you the location of the current data files. as show.

When you click on the link, it will popup a menu selection to either Open or Move, select the Move option.

This will display the browse option.  Use this to browse over to a different location/workstation/server.

You can Create a new Folder to store the data files by clicking on the Make New Folder.  When the location is where you want the data files, click OK.  The program will close, and you will need to re-run.  You have moved the database.

4. Daily Processing Operations

4.1. Main Screen Options

When you run the program, you will be presented with the following screen. All options are accessible from this screen using either the displayed buttons or menu options.

Main Screen

Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below. 



  • Backup/Restore - This option will allow you to Backup or Restore the system data files.
  • Scan - This option will allow you to start Scanning the boxes containing mail.
  • Send - This option will allow you to Send the Scanned boxes notifications to the Customers.
  • Exit - This option will close the screen and Exit the Program



  • Notify All - This option will allow you to send a message to all active users that are setup to receive notifications.



  • Active Notification Participant Boxes - This Report will display the Active Notification Participant Boxes setup in the system.
  • Boxes By Renewal Date - This Report will display the Boxes by Renewal Date.
  • Vacant Boxes - This Report will display the Vacant Boxes available in the System.



  • Box Maintenance - This option will display the Box Maintenance screen to allow changes and entries in the Box file.
  • System Options - This option will display the System Options Screen.
  • Advertisements - This option will display the Advertisements file maintenance screen. You can Add, Delete, and Modify default Advertisement entries here.
  • Notification Types - This option will display the Notification Types that are available in the system.
  • Transactions - This option will display the Transactions screen which will display the past Transactions processed.
  • Print Labels - This option will print the list of bar code labels to be affixed to the back of the mail boxes and are used by the scanner to enter the box numbers into the scan process.
  • Reset All Internal Screen Settings - This option will clear out all the saved screen settings to revert back to the default settings.



  • Help - This option will display the Help file that is built into the program. Similar to this Knowledge Book.
  • BoxMinder Home Page - This option will take you to the BoxMinder Home page on the Internet.
  • Check for Software Updates - This option will go out to the BoxMinder server and check to see if there are any software updates available to download.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.

Button Options:

  • Send - This option will be displayed only if you have notifications to sent out.  This will send the notifications.
  • Mailboxes - This option will display the Mailboxes screen for lookup/maintenance.
  • Exit - This option will close the program.




4.2. Scan Incoming

There are two basic options that get run daily. The first is to Scan Incoming. This option is used to scan the mail boxes that contain mail in them. After mail has been delivered and placed in the boxes, the attendant will click on this option off the main screen. A screen will be displayed like the one below and prompt the user to either Scan or Enter all boxes containing mail. The attendant will then grab the bar code scanner and walk over to the back of the mail boxes and scan the bar code labels associated with all the boxes that contain mail. This will enter the Box number into the program to send out a message or messages to the recipient of the box if they are setup to receive a notification. If they are not setup to receive a notification, it will just skip the process for that box. You can also key them in manually if there is no bar code scanner to use. 

After all the boxes are Scanned/Entered, you can select the Send button, which will cause the program to send out all the notifications to recipients that are signed up for the notifications and contain mail in their box.

After all notifications are sent out, you will be notified it has completed and you are done for the day. Fast and efficiently. And the Customers are happy that they don't need to stop in to check their mailbox.

Here is what the Scan screen looks like with the different options available.

Box#: This is the where the box number is either entered or scanned into the system that contains mail in their box.

Grid: This grid will display the processing description of the boxes that were scanned. And will display what will happen when you click on the Send option.


Box#: This is the where the box number is either entered or scanned into the system that contains mail in their box.

Grid: This grid will display the processing description of the boxes that were scanned. And will display what will happen when you click on the Send option.

Advertisement: This drop down field will be displayed if the option is turned on in the setup screen.  This will allow you to send a predefined Advertisement with the notification.  As it will be included with the mail notification email/text.

Box#: This is the where the box number is either entered or scanned into the system that contains mail in their box.

Grid: This grid will display the processing description of the boxes that were scanned. And will display what will happen when you click on the Send option.

Advertisement: This drop down field will be displayed if the option is turned on in the setup screen.  This will allow you to send a predefined Advertisement with the notification.  As it will be included with the mail notification email/text.

Notification Type: This drop down field will be displayed if the option is turned on in the setup screen.  This will allow you to select the type of Notification that is going to be sent.  This is used for custom notification types such as whatever you can think of.

Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Backup/Restore - This option will allow you to Backup or Restore the system data files.
  • Scan Incoming Mail - This option will allow you to start Scanning the boxes containing mail.
  • Scan Packages - This option will allow you to start Scanning Packages.
  • Exit - This option will close the screen and Exit the Program 


  • Send Mail Notifications  - This option will send out the notifications to your customers.


  • Active Notification Participant Boxes - This Report will display the Active Notification Participant Boxes setup in the system.
  • Boxes By Renewal Date - This Report will display the Boxes by Renewal Date.
  • Vacant Boxes - This Report will display the Vacant Boxes available in the System.


  • Box Maintenance - This option will display the Box Maintenance screen to allow changes and entries in the Box file.
  • System Options - This option will display the System Options Screen.
  • Advertisements - This option will display the Advertisements file maintenance screen. You can Add, Delete, and Modify default Advertisement entries here.
  • Notification Types - This option will display the Notification Types that are available in the system.
  • Transactions - This option will display the Transactions screen which will display the past Transactions processed.
  • Print Labels - This option will print the list of bar code labels to be affixed to the back of the mail boxes and are used by the scanner to enter the box numbers into the scan process.
  • Reset All Internal Screen Settings - This option will clear out all the saved screen settings to revert back to the default settings.


  • Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • BoxMinder Home Page - This option will take you to the BoxMinder Home page on the Internet.
  • Check for Software Updates - This option will go out to the BoxMinder server and check to see if there are any software updates available to download.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.

Grid Pop-Up Menu Options

If you right-click on the displayed grid, you will be presented with other options for the scanned items that may be helpful. 

Here are the options available to the scanned items.

Change Status - You can select one of the following options for the selected scanned record for this entry to be changed to.




Delete Entry - This option will delete the selected record from the scanned entry grid. This is used incase you accidentally scanned a box without mail. Or, whatever reason.

Clear All Entries - This option will clear out all the scanned entries in the scanned grid. If you do this, you will need to re-scan all entries containing mail.

Button Options

  • Send - This option will allow you to Send the Scanned boxes notifications to the Customers.
  • Mailboxes - This option will allow you to Display/Edit the Mailboxes.
  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.

4.3. Send Notifications

After you scan the boxes containing mail, you will select the Send Notifications option which will send out the necessary notifications to all the recipients that are signed up for this service. All others will be skipped. Here is a screen shot of what you see after the send is processed. This can be run from either the scan screen or the main screen.


Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Backup/Restore - This option will allow you to Backup or Restore the system data files.
  • Scan Incoming Mail - This option will allow you to start Scanning the boxes containing mail.
  • Scan Packages - This option will allow you to start Scanning Packages.
  • Exit - This option will close the screen and Exit the Program 


  • Send Mail Notifications  - This option will send out the notifications to your customers.


  • Active Notification Participant Boxes - This Report will display the Active Notification Participant Boxes setup in the system.
  • Boxes By Renewal Date - This Report will display the Boxes by Renewal Date.
  • Vacant Boxes - This Report will display the Vacant Boxes available in the System.


  • Box Maintenance - This option will display the Box Maintenance screen to allow changes and entries in the Box file.
  • System Options - This option will display the System Options Screen.
  • Advertisements - This option will display the Advertisements file maintenance screen. You can Add, Delete, and Modify default Advertisement entries here.
  • Notification Types - This option will display the Notification Types that are available in the system.
  • Transactions - This option will display the Transactions screen which will display the past Transactions processed.
  • Print Labels - This option will print the list of bar code labels to be affixed to the back of the mail boxes and are used by the scanner to enter the box numbers into the scan process.
  • Reset All Internal Screen Settings - This option will clear out all the saved screen settings to revert back to the default settings.


  • Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • BoxMinder Home Page - This option will take you to the BoxMinder Home page on the Internet.
  • Check for Software Updates - This option will go out to the BoxMinder server and check to see if there are any software updates available to download.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.

 Button Options:

  • Send - This option will allow you to Send the Scanned boxes notifications to the Customers.
  • Mailboxes - This option will allow you to Display/Edit the Mailboxes.
  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.


5. How Do I....

5.1. Search for a Customer in the Mailboxes section

You will probably spend a lot of time in the Mailboxes section since this holds all the Mailbox and Customer information readly available.  We have made it pretty easy to find a specific Customer or Mailbox by using the filter bar at the top of the Mailboxes screen grid.  Here is a shot of what that looks like.

As listed above, we wanted to find who was in mailbox 101, so we keyed in 101 in the filter bar and pressed Enter.  This brought up or should I say filtered out all the other records that did not contain 101 in the Box field.

You can do the same for any of the listed fields in the Filter bar.  If you need to use a wildcard because you do not know the specific information, you can key in an asterisk (*) either prefixing or suffixing your selection.  Such as say you want to see all the boxes that contain the partial name - "star", then just key that into the Name field and with an asterisk before and after the characters like this - *star*.  And it will filter out and show you only the records that contain the characters star as listed below.

Of course you can perform this on any of the fields in the filter bar.

To clear out your filter, press the Esc key on the keyboard and all the filtering will be removed and all boxes will be displayed.

5.2. How do I change the Mail and Package notification messages that are sent.

Depending on if you have the Multiple Notifications option checked, here are the instructions.

If you have this option turned on, then you would need to modify the message using the Notifications Types option under the Setup menu, that is selected when sending the mail notification. And follow the instructions below but you will only be displayed the Package message to change.

If it is turned off, then you just need to Run the software, click on the Setup menu, then System Options. On this screen, you can either click the Edit menu, and select Email Setup, or click on the Email Setup button on the lower left part of the screen. This will display the Email System Setup screen. It should show you the messages that are sent for Mail and Packages. You can replace the defaults with whatever you wish to be sent. After making the changes,, please click on the Close button to save the changes.

Of course, you can remove the message part and only have a subject if you want it the shortest you can make.


5.3. Enter Account Number Into System

You may need to re-enter your account # to use the program properly.

Follow these steps.

From the Main Screen, press Ctrl+E.

Press the keys Crtl+E. This will bring up the following message.

Click OK to arrive at the BoxMinder Account Settings entry screen. Enter Account # given to you and click Continue.


You will be taken back to the main screen and be ready to use the system.

5.4. Maintain the Box File

There is an option off the Main screen Setup menu called Box Maintenance. This will display a screen with a list all the added Mailboxes that have been added to the system. This is where you can Add/Delete/Modify the Mail Box entries that are used in the system. After the customer turns in his/her completed Enrollment form, you will enter the information provided here. 



Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.


  • New - This option will create a new record in the file.
  • Delete - This option will cause the selected record in the file to be deleted or erased from the system. This is a non-reversal option.


  • Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.


Button Options:

New - This option will cause a new record to be added to the file.

Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.



  • Box# - This field is used to store the actual mail box number.
  • Customer# - This field is used to store an internal Customer number if needed.
  • Name - This is the Customers Name.
  • Address - This is the Customers Address line 1.
  • Address 2 - This is the Customers Address line 2.
  • Address 3 - This is the Customers Address line 3.
  • City - This is the Customer City.
  • State/Prov - This is the Customers State or Province.
  • Zip/Postal - This is the Customers Zip or Postal Code.
  • Country - This is the Customer Country.
  • Box Size - This field is used to determine the size of box assigned to this customer.
  • Main Phone - This is the Main phone number to contact this customer.
  • Fax - This is the Fax number of the customer.
  • PCS/SMS - This is the Cell phone number that will be used to Text the message to if selected to notify this way.
  • SMS Service - This is the service that the Cell phone is using.
  • Notification Emails - There are 3 different email addresses fields that can be used to notify the customer. Depending on the number of entries used determines the number of emails that will be sent to the customer.
  • Participation - These check marks either Email or SMS or both determines how they will receive the notifications.
  • Active - This check mark is used to determine if the box is active or not.
  • Notes - This area is available to place whatever notes you want to reference about the customer or box.
  • Start Service Date - This date is used to keep track of when the customer started the service of the box.  Original start date. 
  • Begin Rental Date - This date is the the beginning date of the current rental period.  And will change when renewed.
  • End Rental Date - This date is when the rental period ends and is also the renewal date and is used when sending out renewal notifications.
  • Length of Rental - This is what is used to determine the length of rental. If 12 months, then when the customer pays the bill for renewal, you just need to click on the Extend Rental Period button and the dates will automatically be increased by that period that is selected in this field.
  • Renewal Cost - The cost of the renewal is displayed here for easy access to know what the cost will be for the customer to renew for the selected period amount.

5.5. Maintain Advertisements

There is an option off the Main screen Setup menu called Advertisements. This will display a screen with a list of the added Advertisements that have been added to the system. This option is only available if you have the option turned on in the Options setup screen. Otherwise it is not accessible and not listed as an option.

Here is a layout of what you will see on this screen.


Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.


  • New - This option will create a new record in the file.
  • Delete - This option will cause the selected record in the file to be deleted or erased from the system. This is a non-reversal option.


  • Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.

Button Options:

  • New - This option will cause a new record to be added to the file.
  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.


  • Advertisements - This field is what is used to create/edit advertisements that are stored in the system. This is used if you would like to add an advertisement to the end of the notification message that is sent to the customer. You do not need to use this as it is optional. But, if you do, you can add any number of messages that can be selected either on a daily, weekly, or whatever basis you decide. Just another way to help notify your customers of specials, or notices.


5.6. View Transaction List

There is an option off the Main screen Setup menu called Transactions. This will display a screen with a list of the daily transactions that have been processed. This is only informational and only shows an entry if you sent out the notifications. You can also clear out the entries to clean up the display grid.

Here is a layout of what you will see on this screen.

Menu Options:

The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.


  • Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.


  • Clear All Entries - This option will clear the entries on the screen to help keep clutter down. This does not need to be performed, but if you would like to, the option is here.


  • Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
  • About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.

5.7. Backup the Data Files

The backup feature is accessible from the Windows Start Menu, or inside the application on the Main Screen off the File Menu. Click File then select Backup/Restore Data, then Backup Data.

This will open a window for you to select where you would like to save the backup.

By default, the backup file is named boxminderfiles(withtoday'sdate).zip. The location is the data folder in the Boxminder software. The location can be changed. For example if you wanted to save the file to a flash drive or some other portable media device by clicking on the folder at the end of the name field and browsing to where you want to put the backup file to.

This is useful if you are moving the software to a new machine. Once you have made your save location selection, click on Save.

If everything went as planned, you will see the above screen.

5.8. Restore the Data Files

You can run a restore of the data files at anytime. You will restore from the zip file that was created when you performed the Backup as in the previous chapter. Our example restores from the Flash Drive we saved to in the previous chapter. To perform this operation just follow the steps below.

You can run the Restore procedure from either inside the application, or from the Windows Start Menu as shown.

Or, the Restore feature is accessible from the Main Screen off the File Menu. Click File then select Backup/Restore Data, then Restore Data.

This will open a window for you to select where your previously saved Backup is located.

Click on the Restore button, you should be prompted to replace your file, select yes and your files should be restored



5.9. Move the software package to a different/new computer.

If you need to move the software package to a new or different computer, you can follow these instructions.

First, you will need to run a backup of your database on the original machine and save it to either your network, or a flash drive so you can move the saved backup to the new machine.

If you have a USB Flash drive or if your machines are on a Network and the new machine is accessible you will need to run a Backup of your database and save the backup .zip file to your Flash Drive or to the new machines Desktop or network location that is accessible from your new machine.  If you save it to the USB Drive, then obviously you can sneakernet it to the new machine and stick it in there.

On the new machine, you can download and install the BoxMinder software from the www.boxminder.com web site. Make sure you select the SAAS version to install.  After installing the software, you can run the Backup/Restore option off the Windows Start button, BoxMinder, Backup/Restore, and select or point to the backed up .zip file that you saved from the previous step.  Then you would just need to click on Restore.  This will copy all your data and settings from the original computer and you should be about good to go.  

Eventually it will prompt you for the original registration codes, and we can send them to you if you do not have them and are a registered user

5.10. Check what version I am running.

If tasked to find out what version of the software you are running, you can click on the Help menu at the top right of the screen, then the About...  Option.  You will see the version number on the screen shown as displayed below.

5.11. Check for Software Updates

If you have the System Options set to check for Software Updates Automatically, then every 30 days when you run the software, it will prompt you if you want to check for Software Updates.  If you select Yes to check, then the software will go out and check with our servers for any updates.  If an update is found, you will be prompted and you will decide if you want to download and install the updates.

If you would like to check at anytime, or, if you do not have it set to automatically check, you can Click on the Help menu on the Main screen, and select Checking for Software Updates.  And this will run the check mechanism at that given time.

The new download option on version 7.xx, you will be sent to the Members Download Portal to log in and proceed to the download option.  This will only be available to customer under Support Maintenance. You will need your email address and registration key to log in.  This will take you to a page to download the software for installation.  If you need a copy of your Registration Codes, please just send us a Help Desk Request and we will shoot it over to you.




5.12. Allow BoxMinder though my firewall

In Windows, you can set the Windows Firewall to block or unblock certain programs. BoxMinder may be blocked by your firewall or anti-virus software from connecting to the internet.

Here are instructions to unblock:

Open the Control Panel

Select System and Security

In the Windows Firewall section, select Allow a program through Windows Firewall.

Unchecking the box to the left of the program name disallows it from accessing network resources, while checking it allows access.

You will have to click the "Change settings" button at the top of the screen so you may click on "Allow another program"

If the program you wish to block or unblock is not listed, you can click the "Allow another program..." button to add it.

Choose the application in the list and select "Add". If the program is not in this list, use the "Browse..." button to select the program file manually.


Highlight Boxminder and click on Add

Now the Boxminder software is allowed.

Click OK to close

5.13. Send a test message to a new customer?

When you get a new customer to sign up for the service, you will need to enter their information into the Box file so that they can start receiving notifications when they have mail or packages to be picked up. To perform this task, of course you go to the Box File Maintenance screen and key in their information.  

After you are done entering their particulars, it would be wise to send them a quick test message to their phone and/or email addresses that have been entered.  This way, you can find out if you entered the data correctly and if they gave you the correct information.  

To send a test notification it is very simple.  Looking at the Box file maintenance screen you will see a little green icon next to the Notification Email fields with an @ sign on it.  

Box Maintenance Screen

Click on this icon and it will send out the notifications to the specified/selected notification destinations.  Be it text and/or emails accounts that you entered into the screen.  Of course the notification will only be sent if the customer is active and has a notification selection option turned on.  It will send the test message to all the valid selections.

This is very helpful to determine if the information you have in the system is valid and correct.  And you can start sending notifications to this customer.

You can also use this simple process to check at anytime to make sure they are getting their messages.  Like if they come into the store and say they are not getting notified, run a quick test message to see if they are actually getting notified.


5.14. Add SMS services to system.

The system comes already setup with most of the popular SMS services in the USA.  But, there may come a time you will need to add more to accomodate your stores specific needs and customers.  It is very simple to add the services and here are the instructions to do so.

From the Main screen of the program, click on the Setup menu at the top of the screen, and click on System Options.  This will display the System Options screen.  From here you can either select the Edit menu, the SMS setup, or click on the SMS Setup button near the bottom left of the screen.  Either of these selections will display the SMS Setup screen as displayed below.

This screen will show you all the different SMS Service names and Service addresses currently in the system that are needed to send a text message to their customers.  

To add one, or many, click on the New button.  Key in the Service Name and the Service Address needed to send an email to a text message on their customers phones.  You will need to find out what that Service Address is for each Carrier before this will work.

Here is a list that has not already been added automatically and can be added manually.

Boost Mobile - @sms.myboostmobile.com
U.S. Cellular - @email.uscc.net
Xfinity - @mypixmessages.com or @vtext.com (if using short messages)

So, if you are sending only short notifications, you can create one with @vtext.com - which is the same as Verizons or @mypixmessages.com if you send longer ones.

Here is a list of the Canadian Carriers that we have information on that can be used.

Bell Canada – @txt.bellmobility.ca
Bell Mobility (Canada) – @txt.bell.ca
Fido – @fido.ca
Microcell – @fido.ca
President's Choice – @txt.bell.ca
Rogers Canada – @pcs.rogers.com
Solo Mobile – @txt.bell.ca
Telus – @msg.telus.com
Virgin Mobile Canada – @vmobile.ca
Koodo – @msg.koodomobile.com
Chatr – @pcs.rogers.com
Sasktel – @sms.Sasktel.com

If you need others, you can contact or lookup on-line the different carrier information as most have this information readily available.

There is currently not an option for a Google Voice number as Google does not allow this feature.

Add as many as you need and they will become selectable in the Box Maintenance section of the Cell Service for the Cell numbers to send notifications to.


5.15. Using Gmail as your account - PRO Version

If you are going to use your Gmail account to send the notifications using the PRO version, there are options you need to perform.

Google Security restrictions
In 2019, Google implemented restrictions on 3rd party software and services accessing Gmail. To get around this you will need to use the application password method described below. 

GMail 2-step Verification - using with BoxMinder Pro
To use a Gmail account with BoxMinder Pro, where 2-step verification has been inaugurated, you simply need to create and use an application-specific password. To do this, log into your Gmail account using a web browser, then visit the following page for details on how to create an application specific password:


You then simply use the provided application-specific password in BoxMinder Pro (instead of the password you would use to log in to Gmail) with your normal Gmail address for the account in question.

After this has been completed, you should be setup to use Gmail as you email sending account.

5.16. How do I create a Google Application Password?

Here are the instructions to create a Google Application Password to be used in the BoxMinder Application.

First Log into your Gmail or Google Account. 

Click on the button on the top right with the nine dots.  Then click the Account icon.

This will bring up your Account information.  Then click on the Security option.

Scroll down on the next screen until you see 2-Step Verification.  This must be turned on to be able to initially create an Application Password. If it is not on, then turn it on.

Click on the Signing in with 2 step verification.

Then click on Manage Settings.

Scroll down until you see App Passwords and click on it. To create one, click on the Select App, then click on Other.

Key in BoxMinder as the Application and click Generate.  This will generate your Application Password for the BoxMinder App.

You can copy this password and put it into the BoxMinder email setting for the Password under the Email settings when you are using a gmail account.

After this has been completed and you have a copy of the application password, this needs to be placed in the BoxMinder application under the email setup section.  You can get there by clicking on the Setup Menu from the main screen, then Setup Options.  This will display the following screen.  Then click on Email Settings to display the email settings screen.

This is the Email Settings Screen.  Here you need to key in your gmail email address in the three fields as shown below along with the newly created Application Password in the Password field.  If you wish to see the password, press the following key sequence. Ctrl-Alt-P and the password will be shown in readable characters.

Also, make sure you change the SMTP, Port, and Connection to be:


As shown below.

Then click on the Close button to save the changes. Then Close button again and then the Exit Button.  Re-Run the application and should not be able to login and function properly.



5.17. Using Outlook.com as your account

If you are going to use your Outlook.com account to send the notifications, there are options you need to perform.

During the email setup be sure to use these settings to allow the system to use your Outlook account to send the notifications with.

After this has been completed, you should be setup to use Outlook as you email sending account.

5.18. Using Yahoo.com as your account

If you are going to use your Yahoo.com account to send the notifications, there are options you need to perform.

During the email setup be sure to use these settings to allow the system to use your Yahoo account to send the notifications with.  Make sure you setup an Application Password to be used instead of your regular password.

After this has been completed, you should be setup to use Yahoo as you email sending account.

5.19. Export the Box File information to an Excel spreadsheet

You may want to export the Mailbox file information to be used outside the system for some reason.  If you do, you can export the data from the Mailbox file to different data formats such as an Excel spreadsheet.  Here is how you can do this.

First, open the Mailbox screen.

Click on the File menu, then Export Data file.

You will see this screen.

Click on the option for Excel spreadheet.  And click next.

You can click on the Include column titles if you wish, otherwise click the Next button.

Click on the Next button.

Click on the Next button.

Click on the Next button.

Click on the Next button.

Select the name and where you want to save the Excel file and click on Execute.

This will export the information from the Mailbox file and you will have a new Excel file to be used for whatever you wish.

This task is completed.

5.20. Check my IP address to see if I may be blacklisted

If you are sending out many bad email or text notifications to unusable or invalid email accounts, there is a chance that your IP address may get blacklisted.  If this happens, this will cause any new notifications to not be received by some or all of your customers.

There are blacklists out on the net that email and service providers use to check to make sure the emails are coming from a valid and clean source. This helps prevent SPAMMERS from being able to keep sending out false emails.

To check to see if you are on one of those lists, you can follow these instructions.

Run the BoxMinder application.

Click on the Help menu, then Current IP Address as shown.

This will display your current IP address that has been assigned to you by your Internet Provider.

Then open your browser and go to this site - https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx

When this page is displayed, just press Ctrl-V to paste your ip address into the field. Then click Blacklist Check.

You will then be displayed a list of the different blacks lists that keep track of ip addresses that the service providers use to check when receiving emails from. If your IP address is on one or more of the lists, you are currently blacklisted. 

If this is the case, you will need to get removed from the lists you are on.  There are options with the different lists to try to get removed, and you can follow their instructions to possibly get removed.  This may take some time.  The fastest way is to contact your Internet Service Provider and ask them to assign a new IP address to your account.  They can do this quickly and without anything needed on your part.  After you are assigned a new IP address, you should be able to send out notifications and emails.

If you are not on one of the lists, that is good.  Something else is preventing them from getting your notifications.

5.21. Delete messages from bounces etc.

After viewing your messages that were returned from your notifications, and correcting the issues, you can then delete the messages from the messages screen. 

Just select the message you wish to delete and press the Del key, or Ctrl-Del.  You will be prompted to OK the deletion.

If you have a bunch, and want to delete them all, you can press the Ctrl-A keys, then the Del key and will be prompted to delete them all.

5.22. Obtain a Twilio Account to use in BoxMinder to send SMS texts out.

One of the newer features in the BoxMinder applications is the integration with Twilio, a trusted global communications company that can be used to send out all of your SMS texts to your customers.  This integration replaces the current service of sending text message to your customer with their powerful platform.  This removes the need to define the SMS service for your customers and uses just their SMS cell number to send out all notifications.  
We know that end users constantly change their cell service carriers and this solves the issue of updating their account with the new carriers.  

Twilio is used by millions of companies around the world, as they send or receive 592 million messages per day. They are tops in the industry and we only deal with the best for our customers.

Let me say that this is a fantastic new feature, but to use it, it comes with an additional cost to you. The fees from Twilio to send the texts are at a cost of only $.0079 per sms message plus $1.00 a month for a phone number to use.  To give you an example, lets say you send out 30 notifications per day, 5 days a week, for the month,  that would be about 650 texts for the month. The total would be an additional cost of $6.13 per month to use the service.  Of course the final cost would depend on the number of sms texts you send out per day/week/month, etc. For that cost, we think it is well worth it to know that your customers are receiving their notifications correctly and without the need to stay on top of everything.  Your time is better served at running your business.

We want to be up front as to what the charges are, so you can make that decision if you would like to use the service or not.  The original SMS sending service option is still in the application if you choose to stay that route.  We know how it to save every dime, and every extra cost needs to be evaluated before making a decision. 

I would like to extend an offer to participate in the use of the new SMS feature in BoxMinder.  We have been testing this option for a good amount of time and have rolled it out to our Customers with great success. 

To use this new service, you will need to establish an account with Twilio. You can go directly to Twilio - www.twilio.com
and create an account with them.  You will be tasked with creating your own account, which is pretty simple, then selecting a phone number to use to send out your sms text messages.  After you select your funding of the account with a CC#, you will be assigned an ACCOUNT SID, and an AUTH TOKEN, which you will then copy and put into the BoxMinder application.  There is one system option in the BoxMinder application to switch to the Twilio sms message service, then you can put in your Account SID and AUTH TOKEN and that's it.  You will off and running.  

5.23. Setup BoxMinder to use Twilio to send SMS texts out.

There is an option to send SMS texts out using Twilio as your sending source.  Twilio is a company that has been providing SMS texting for many years and takes care of all the processing.  They also do not require you to handle or update the Cell Service for each of your Customers.  There is an additional charge to use this service that is billed directly from Twilio.  They currently charge $.0079 per SMS message sent along with I believe $1.00 a month for the sending phone number.

If you choose to set this up, you will need to obtain an account from Twilio first.  https://www.twilio.com/messaging

They will assign you a Phone Number to use, along with an Account ID, and Account Auth code to use. 

That is all you will need to activate the usage in BoxMinder.  Here is how you can perform this setup.

Run the BoxMinder Software.

Click on the Setup menu from the main screen, then System Options.


On this screen, there is an option listed - Use Twilio SMS Sender Account.  You will need to click on the Edit button to allow you to edit the settings on this screen.  Then you can click on the Check Box to activate this option. 

You can then click on the SMS Setup button.  This will show you the SMS Setup screen as shown below where you can enter the information received from Twilio.  Afterwards, click on the Close button and your settings are saved.  This will remove the Cell Service field from the Mailbox screen.


Then processing will be given to Twilio to send all your Text/SMS notifications.  Very fast and secure notifications.

5.24. Turn off Renewal Notifications for Individual Box Customers

You can setup the system to bypass the renewal notifications for individual box customers.  You will need to select the option under the Setup, System Options to Allow Bypassing Renewal Notices.  This will turn on the option under the individual mail box records which you can select to  Bypass Renewal Notifications.  Here is the option to turn on the option on the System Options screen.

Here is the option to turn off the Bypass Renewal Notifications on the individual box records screen.

Of course this is only available if you have the Use Renewal Feature selected.


6. FAQ's

6.1. How many notifications can be sent out per day?

The PRO version using your own email account is only limited to what your ISP or email provider allows per day.  If using a Gmail account, the limit is 2000 per day for a paid G Suite account or 500 for a free version.  If using Office 365 the limit is 3600 per hour.  You would need to check with your ISP for information if using another account.

If using the Twilio Service to send out your text notifications, you are not limited to any number per day.

6.2. Can I get any bounced or reply emails sent to my own email address?

The answer is Yes. 

If using an older version - as in less than version 5.10 follow the instructions below.  If using 5.10 or greater, you can now obtain this information from inside the software itself as it will check for bounced messages and display them.

To do this you will need to change the Mail From and Reply To email addresses in the system setup to reflect your own email address. To accomplish this task, please follow these instuctions.

Run the program.

Click on the Setup menu on the main screen, then click on System Options.

Click on the Edit menu on the Setup Options screen, then click on Email Setup.

You should be displayed the Email System Setup screen.

Press the following Key Strokes on your keyboard. - Ctrl-V

This should display the Mail From and Reply to email addresses.  Change these two fields to the email address you wish to receive replies and bounced emails to, then click on the Close button.

Now any reply or bounced email will be sent to your own email address, so you can see if there are any issues or replies with emails that are sent out to your customers.

6.3. Sometimes it seems the customer is not getting notified.

If you suspect or the customer says they are not receiving notifications, here are a few things you can do to. First, you can try sending them a test message to their account. This you can do on the Mailbox maintenance screen. There is a button to do so on the right hand side of the screen. Or, you can send them a direct message by clicking on the button at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. If the customer does not get the notification, then you can check into this further. If sending a text message, be sure to ask the customer to verify the information you have for them in the system. Both the phone number and the service they use. Correct if necessary and try again.

If sending emails, then obviously check the email address for errors.
If the email address is correct, then there is the strong chance that the message is being sent to their spam folder or the email account is blocking the message thinking it is spam. Have the customer whitelist the email address of your account@boxminder.net if using the SaaS version, or your email address if using the Pro version.

If all else fails, send us a request and we can check to see if there are bounced records in the account server for this user. You can also change your settings so you can obtain the bounced and replies. Can I get any bounced replies 

If being sent to spam, you can also try changing the notification message that is sent off to the customers. You should edit message that is sent to include your store information or other informative text. To do this, it depends on the settings that you have in your system. If you are sending multiple notification types (where you select the message that is being sent, when you select the send option) then you would edit the information in the Notification Types Maintenance. If not using the multiple Notification types, then this would be under the System Setup, then Email setup screen.

6.4. Can I send SMS notifications to a Google Voice number?

Sorry, if using the standard notification service, this cannot be done as Google does not allow email to SMS conversations.  They say it may be coming, but as of this KB entry it is not available.

If you choose to use the Twilio SMS service to send out your SMS notifications, it will work fine. 


6.5. Does BoxMinder support 64-bit Windows?


The same installer can be used on 32-bit or 64 bit Windows.

6.6. Can this software run on a MAC?

Yes, it can run on a MAC computer with the help of a third party piece of software.  We have tested the software using a product from CodeWeavers called CrossOver.

Here is the web site for more information on this product. https://www.codeweavers.com/crossover

Here is a video on how to install the software using CrossOver on a MAC.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnzkAJb7reI

Here is our knowledge book on how to install CrossOver and Starresoft software on a MAC. - https://starresoft.helpspot.com/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=129

6.7. How can I receive the return emails from my users?

If you wish to receive emails from your customers that have received a notification, you can change the setup to your own email address for the return email address.  

To do this, run the program, click on the Setup menu, then System Options.  When the System Options screen is displayed, click on the Email Setup icon, or the menu option under Edit.

When you are displayed this screen, you can press the Crtl-V key to see the Mail From and Reply to email address fields.  Just change the Reply to email address with your own.  Click on the Close button and you are done.

Now, if a customer replies to the notification, you will receive it via your own email address.


6.8. What kind of scanner would you recommend for this?

Depending on the distance from your computer to the actual mail boxes that you would be scanning, we have a couple of suggestions.

We use a scanner from Metrologic called the Voyager BT. It is pretty popular as far as an inexpensive cordless scanner. Has a range of about 33'. You can probably pick one up on Ebay cheap. We also deal with Datalogic.  They have a wireless scanner called Quickscan. Little tougher to setup and pair with the base, but has a little farther range if needed. That is the main concern is how far away your computer base is from your mail boxes.

Also available is a Symbol LS4278 Wireless Bluetooth Barcode Scanner, it has a range of around 55'.

If distance is not an issue, then I would recommend the Voyager BT.  Make sure you purchase one that connects via USB.

Run a search on Ebay for the Metrologic Voyager BT - if you are looking for a good used one.

New - Honeywell Voyager 1202g Scanner - Honeywell Voyager 1202g - Via Amazon

Here is another very inexpensive bluetooth scanner we found on Amazon. - BCST-10 Bluetooth Laser Scanner from Inateck.  It runs around $69. Here is a direct link: http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00DZFOH4W


6.9. I noticed there was a price increase.

Unfortunately you are correct.  There was a price increase to the service back in 2023 up to $160.00 per year. This was needed to ensure the survival of this product and to fund and fuel further development.

While we really did not want to increase the yearly price, it was deemed necessary based on our cost increases.  As you may have noticed, we have spent numerous development hours to design/create new features and options to bring forward a product that not only functions well, but advances its usability to allow for more automated options to occur.  Such as automatically sending out notifications when the customers box is coming due, package notifications, and much, much more.  We have also added internal development to allow for future enhancements to take place.  We did this so that there should be no new price increases for a long time.

Since this product is only used in a niche market for mailbox rental stores, the costs to support and develop required us to increase the price. 

We have discussed this internally, along with some of the end customer who use the software. We came to the conclusion and feel this is a fair price for the customer along with us to keep things rolling along.  Actually, most of the customer we discussed this with thought the price should be much higher, but we opted to keep it in the affordable range.

Hopefully you understand and agree that for the price, this service cannot be beat.


6.10. What is this Twilio feature?

We have been worked hard on the new versions of BoxMinder, the best Mailbox Notification System around. Having upgraded the software with many new internal features.  One such feature is the integration with Twilio, a trusted global communications company that can be used to send out all of your SMS texts to your customers.  This integration replaces the current service of sending text message to your customer with their powerful platform.  This removes the need to define the SMS service for your customers and uses just their SMS cell number to send out all notifications.  
We know that end users constantly change their cell service carriers and this solves the issue of updating their account with the new carriers.  

Twilio is used by millions of companies around the world, as they send or receive 592 million messages per day. They are tops in the industry and we only deal with the best for our customers.

Let me say that this is a fantastic new feature, but to use it, it comes with an additional cost to you. The fees from Twilio to send the texts are at a cost of only $.0079 per sms message plus $1.00 a month for a phone number to use.  To give you an example, lets say you send out 30 notifications per day, 5 days a week, for the month,  that would be about 650 texts for the month. The total would be an additional cost of $6.13 per month to use the service.  Of course the final cost would depend on the number of sms texts you send out per day/week/month, etc. For that cost, we think it is well worth it to know that your customers are receiving their notifications correctly and without the need to stay on top of everything.  Your time is better served at running your business.

We want to be up front as to what the charges are, so you can make that decision if you would like to use the service or not.  The original SMS sending service option is still in the application if you choose to stay that route.  We know how it to save every dime, and every extra cost needs to be evaluated before making a decision. 

I would like to extend an offer to participate in the use of the new SMS feature in BoxMinder.  We have been testing this option for a good amount of time and have rolled it out. 

To use this new service, you will need to establish an account with Twilio. You can go directly to Twilio - www.twilio.com
and create an account with them.  You will be tasked with creating your own account, which is pretty simple, then selecting a phone number to use to send out your sms text messages.  After you select your funding of the account with a CC#, you will be assigned an ACCOUNT SID, and an AUTH TOKEN, which you will then copy and put into the BoxMinder application.  There is one system option in the BoxMinder application to switch to the Twilio sms message service, then you can put in your Account SID and AUTH TOKEN and that's it.  You will off and running.  

We are exploring the option of becoming a direct partner with Twilio in the future, but this may be a while as their financial requirements for a reseller are a bit out of reach at the moment.

6.11. Twilio A2P 10DLC registration




7. Demos

7.1. Daily Scan and Mail Notifications Routine

Daily Scan and Mail Notifications Routine

8. Errors and Messages


If you receiving this error - SMTP PROTOCOL ERROR 452...TEMPORARY FAILURE - when sending your notifications, it means that one of your recipients email addresses has an attached domain that is not working.  You will need to disable the email address in question, or correct it to a valid domain.


8.2. Error: 161 SMTP error message

If you receive an Error SMTP 161 error when trying to send out notifications, this means for some reason that your messages are being marked as possible Spam being sent.  Usually this happens when the actual email being sent looks to the systems that it may be Spam.  To correct this, you should change the actual message that is being sent.  

Here are the instructions to make the change to the email content being sent.

Run the BoxMinder application.  Click on the Setup menu on the main screen, then System Options.  This will display the System Options screen.  You can click on either the button on the screen that says - Email Setup, or off the Edit menu, and Email Setup.  This will display your Email Setup screen.  

If you are experiencing this issue when sending out Packages, you should change the Packages email content.  I suggest changing it the following:

Subject: (Store Name) Notice:

Message: Greetings, please stop by and pick up your package.
(Store Name)
Phone Number

We have noticed that changing it from the original - You have a package at ..........  to something that removes the "You have..." seems to work.  Try this and if you still have issues, you can tweak it to something that gets through.  

If you are experiencing issues sending out notifications with mail in the box, you can change that message as well.  If you use Multiple Notification Types, you can change the message content under the Notification Types option off the Setup menu. 

8.3. Getting timeout issues using the PRO version.

The software sounds like it is having issues connecting to your email server/service that you are using.

Since this is the Pro version, we do not control any of the connection process, as you are using your own servers.

Either your email service is down, or having issues at this time. 

Of course you can check with your email service provider to make sure this is the case.

Only other possibility that I can think of is your internet connection could also be experiencing issues.

You can always shut down and reboot your router and modem, which is always a good thing to perform once in a while anyway.

8.4. Corrupted DB files - how to fix

To fix an issue with corrupted db files, follow these instructions:
1. Backup your current database.
2. Run the application.
3. Click on the Setup menu, then System Options.

4. Click on the Edit menu, then System File Options, then Repair Corrupted Files.

This will scroll through your files and fix them if there is an issue.  

If there is a file that is corrupted it will display message and try to fix it, otherwise it will state that the file is OK.

When completed, click the closes buttons to exit the application and re-run, you should be good to go.

8.5. Program runs but does not show - just waits then disapears

The problem could be the DEP (Data Execution Prevention) option in the system is not allowing this to run. To correct this, follow the options below.

Windows 7
Click on the Windows Start Button.
Click on the Control Panel
Click on System and Security
Click on the System Selection
Click on the Advanced System Settings
Click on the Advanced Tab
Click on the Performance Settings
Click on the Data Execution Prevention Tab

If the option is set to Turn on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select. Then you should add Star Bill of Lading to your options. To do this just follow the options below.
Click on the Add button. Browse to the folder called Program Files, then BoxMinder, then select BoxMinder.exe, and click on the Open Button. Then click Apply, or OK buttons. This will add the program to the exception list. Just close the windows and try running the program again. It should execute now.

(The folder location can be either Program Files or Program Files (x86) if running a 64 bit machine)

Or, you can just change the option to Turn on DEP for Essential Windows Programs and services only. Then you will need to re-boot and everything should work for you.

Windows 10
Click on the Start Button and Key in This PC.

Right Click on This PC and Select Properties.

You then Click on Advanced system settings on the left side of the screen.

You will be displayed the System Properties screen. Click on the Advanced Tab.

Windows 11
Click on the Start Button and Key in Advanced System Settings.  You will be displayed this screen. Click on Open.

Click on the Settings Button under Performance.

This will display the Performance Options.

Click on the Data Execution Prevention Tab.
If you have the Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select then you can add the program to the list.

Click on the Add button, then browse to the folder that contains the executable file - In this case - C:\Program Files(x86)\BoxMinder
Then select the executable - BoxMinder.exe
Click Open to add it to the list.
When finished select Apply and close all the windows.

If the option on the DEP screen is Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only, then you should not need to perform this.

9. System Requirements

9.1. System Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP/Vista, 7, 8, W10 operating systems.

MAC using Wine, or using CodeWeavers CrossOver for MAC.

Linux using CodeWeavers CrossOver for Linux.

Chromebook(2019 or later) with Linux(beta) using CodeWeavers CrossOver for Chrome OS

Minimum 10 MB of free hard disk space

CD-ROM drive to install from CD

133 MHz processor or higher

32 MB of memory or higher

VGA or higher monitor resolution displayed at 640x480 pixels minimum and at least a minimum of 256 colors.

Windows-compatible modem or Internet connection required for download of program if not received on CD

Technical Support

for technical support, please visit www.boxminder.com


10. Registration/Purchasing

10.1. Registration/Purchasing

BoxMinder SaaS charges a fee of $120.00 per year per store. Not per month, Yes, we said $120.00 per year. This price includes the software itself and the automatic communication service, as well as full product support and software updates. Any location that has more traffic than 250 email/text messages per day is subject to additional charges based on the volume of messages sent.

BoxMinder PRO charges a fee of $240.00 for the software itself, and allows you to use your own email account to send the notifications to your customers. It is a one time fee for the software, and allows you Support/Upgrades/Updates for a period of (1) one year. After that year, you have an option to purchase Support/Upgrades/Updates for an additional year. Or, you can keep what you have and run it as there would be no additional charges since you paid for the software.

You get full usage of the software product along with the communications account to send out the emails and texts to your customers.

By Credit Card

You can also register by going to http://www.starresoft.com/bmpurchase.htm on the internet.

Here you will find the instructions to pay by credit card.

After receiving funds, your account will be added or updated, based on it's status. 

Thank you for supporting our software.

10.2. How To Enter Registration Code

Once you receive the e-mail which contains your registration codes, you can enter them by clicking the Windows start button, All Programs, BoxMinder, Utilities and then click on Register Program.

A dialog box will appear and simply enter the name and key into the fields.

You must enter the information exactly as they appear on the e-mail you received. After you have entered the Name & Key, click OK.

Another window will appear and you should receive the following message:

Click OK to exit.

10.3. How To Enter Registration Code - Windows 8

If you need to enter your registration codes and your operating system is Windows 8, you can enter them by first doing a search. From the desktop, just tap WINKEY (or CTRL + ESC) and start typing. The standard Search appears, with a search pane on the right. Or, if you're already at the Start screen, just start typing.

As you type a search,

search results appear on the left.

Then all you need to do is select the program from the list that you wish to register.

A dialog box will appear and simply enter the name and key into the fields.

You must enter the information exactly as it appears on the e-mail you received.
After you have filled in the fields, click OK.

Your program is now registered.

10.4. EULA - End User License Agreement

End User License Agreement for Starre Enterprises Software

This EULA is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Starre Enterprises for the Starre Enterprises Software accompanying this EULA, which includes the accompanying computer software, and may include associated media, printed materials and any "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE"). By installing the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, you may not install or use the SOFTWARE.


The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold.

1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This EULA grants you the following rights:

Software. You may install, use, access, display, run, or otherwise interact with ("RUN") one copy of the SOFTWARE, on a single computer, workstation, terminal, hand held PC, pager, "smart phone," or other digital electronic device ("COMPUTER"). The primary user of the COMPUTER on which the SOFTWARE is installed may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable computer.

Storage/Network Use. You may also store or install a copy of the SOFTWARE on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to RUN the SOFTWARE on your other COMPUTERS over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate COMPUTER on which the SOFTWARE is RUN from the storage device. A license for the SOFTWARE may not be shared or used concurrently on different COMPUTERS.

Reservation of Rights. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Starre Enterprises.

Accessing Services Using the SOFTWARE. Your use of any service accessible using the SOFTWARE is not covered by this EULA and may be governed by separate terms of use, conditions or notices.


You must maintain all copyright notices on all copies of the SOFTWARE.

Limitations of Reverse Engineering, De compilation and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

Rental. You may not rent or lease or lend the SOFTWARE.

Software Transfer. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA one time, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this EULA and, if applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity), you do not receive any payment or other compensation for transferring the SOFTWARE and the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. If the SOFTWARE portion is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the SOFTWARE.

Support Services. Starre Enterprises may provide you with support services related to the SOFTWARE ("Support Services"), in its discretion. Use of Support Services, if any, is governed by the Starre Enterprises policies and programs described in the user manual, in "online" documentation, and/or other Starre Enterprises-provided materials. Any supplemental software code provided to you as a part of Support Services shall be considered part of the SOFTWARE and subject to the terms of this EULA. With respect to technical information you provide to Starre Enterprises as part of the Support Services, Starre Enterprises may use such information for its business purposes, including for product support and development. Starre Enterprises will not utilize such technical information in a form that personally identifies you except to the extent necessary to provide you with support.

Replacement, Modification and Upgrade of the Software. Starre Enterprises reserves the right to replace, modify or upgrade the SOFTWARE at any time by offering you a replacement or modified version of the SOFTWARE or such upgrade and to charge for such replacement, modification or upgrade. Any such replacement or modified software code or upgrade to the SOFTWARE offered to you by Starre Enterprises shall be considered part of the SOFTWARE and subject to the terms of this EULA (unless this EULA is superseded by a further EULA accompanying such replacement or modified version of or upgrade to the SOFTWARE). In the event that Starre Enterprises offers a replacement or modified version of or any upgrade to the SOFTWARE, (a) your continued use of the SOFTWARE is conditioned on your acceptance of such replacement or modified version of or upgrade to the SOFTWARE and any accompanying superseding EULA and (b) in the case of the replacement or modified SOFTWARE, your use of all prior versions of the SOFTWARE is terminated.

3. TERMINATION. Without prejudice to any other rights, Starre Enterprises may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. Starre Enterprises may terminate this EULA by offering you a superseding EULA for the SOFTWARE or any replacement or modified version of or upgrade to the SOFTWARE and conditioning your continued use of the SOFTWARE or such replacement, modified or upgraded version on your acceptance of such superseding EULA. In addition, Starre Enterprises may terminate this EULA by notifying you that your continued use of the SOFTWARE is prohibited. In the event that Starre Enterprises terminates this EULA, you must immediately stop using the SOFTWARE and destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts.

4. COPYRIGHT. All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and "," incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by Starre Enterprises or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. If this SOFTWARE contains documentation which is provided only in electronic form, you may print one copy of such electronic documentation. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the SOFTWARE.

5. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You agree that you will not export or re-export the SOFTWARE, any part thereof, or any process or service that is the direct product of the SOFTWARE (the foregoing collectively referred to as the "Restricted Components"), to any country, person or entity subject to U.S. export restrictions. You specifically agree not to export or re-export any of the Restricted Components (i) to any country to which the U.S. has embargoed or restricted the export of goods or services, which currently include, but are not necessarily limited to Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria, or to any national of any such country, wherever located, who intends to transmit or transport the Restricted Components back to such country; (ii) to any person or entity who you know or have reason to know will utilize the Restricted Components in the design, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons; or (iii) to any person or entity who has been prohibited from participating in U.S. export transactions by any federal agency of the U.S. government. You warrant and represent that neither the U.S. Commerce Department, Bureau of Export Administration nor any other U.S. federal agency has suspended, revoked or denied your export privileges.



8. LIMITATION AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. Starre Enterprises has included in this EULA terms that disclaim all warranties and liability for the SOFTWARE. To the full extent allowed by law, YOU HEREBY RELEASE Starre Enterprises AND ITS SUPPLIERS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO ALL CLAIMS CONCERNING THE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE. If you do not wish to accept the SOFTWARE under the terms of this EULA, do not install the SOFTWARE.

9. GOVERNING LAW. If you acquired the SOFTWARE in the United States of America, the laws of the State of North Carolina, U.S.A will apply to this contract. If you acquired this SOFTWARE outside of the United States of America, then local law may apply. 

11. Misc.

11.1. Message Sent to SaaS Customers 5/17/2023

I wanted to let everyone know that the BoxMinder email server is currently down.  As soon as we receive a resolution to this issue I will reach out and let everyone know the options available moving forward.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via our Help Desk located at https://help.starre.com

11.2. Message Sent to SaaS Customers 5/18/2023

As mentioned yesterday, the BoxMinder email servers are still down. The email server has been suspended due to the many bounced emails being sent out. These are emails or notifications being sent out to invalid email or text accounts. 

Email bounce back is the condition when your emails fail to reach the recipient’s inbox. This happens when a certain email address you tried to send mail, did not exist or was invalid. It is also possible that the person does not have a valid email address or there has been some typo mistake in providing the correct email address.

They informed me to implement a process to alleviate this from happening before they turn the servers back on. That is all and well good, but it will take time to actually clean up all your customer emails and cell number service providers. Since this is a crucial process and service to your customers, we cannot allow this delay to take place. As this may take weeks to complete and well, cannot wait that long.

We have spent a considerable amount of funds getting the new servers up and new email accounts for all of you, and this just bit us in the backside. As this is not an easy or cheap undertaking when dealing with so many separate accounts and policing what you are all sending out.

To resolve this issue and to get you all back up and running, we had to make a decision on what to do moving forward. This is the result as follows.

1. You will need to start using your own email account and servers to send out the emails and notifications.

If you do not have this capability, then I suggest creating a new free Gmail account for this purpose. Just go to Create your Google Account and create a new Gmail email address. If you already have one, you can use it. Just need to create an Application Password as described below.

After you have created an account, you will need to create an Application Password for the account. This is needed to be able to send out the emails for this purpose. 

To use a Gmail account with BoxMinder, where 2-step verification has been inaugurated, you simply need to create and use an application-specific password. To do this, log into your Gmail account using a web browser, then visit the following page for details on how to create an application specific password:


You then simply use the provided application-specific password in BoxMinder (instead of the password you would use to log in to Gmail) with your normal Gmail address for the account in question.

2. You will need to download and upgrade/update the BoxMinder Application again. Here is the direct link to the portal: https://www.starresoft.com/starlogin.php

Download and install this version.  Then run the application.  Of course it should not be able to connect to the servers because the settings are still pointing to the old one that have us shut down.

After the messages have been cleared, click on the Setup menu, then System Options. Click on the button that says Email Setup.  This will display the settings that are currently being used.  You will need to change the following fields.

Mail From: - Key in or paste your new email account
Reply To: - Key in or paste your new email account
User Name: - Key in or paste your new email account
Password: - Key in or paste your password or if using gmail - the Application Password that was generated from above as discussed.
SMTP: your smtp server. If using Gmail - smtp.gmail.com
Port: 587 - unless something else is needed.
Connection: SSL

Press the tab key to go to the next field, then click on the Close button. Then Close again, and Exit.

You can now run the application again.  If all went as planned, you will not be using your new account to send notifications.

As mentioned, if you already have your own email account from your franchise, you can use that instead of a free Gmail account.  Up to you.  Contact your systems administrator for information needed above if you do not have these.

This has been determined the best and fasted route to get back up and running. It may seem like a lot of work, but it is actually not too difficult. I believe in your abilities to perform this task.

We will be coming up with changes and procedures to help clear up your invalid email accounts as soon as we can, but this is a big undertaking as many of you have hundreds or even thousands of boxes to manage.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via our Help Desk located at https://help.starre.com

12. Version History

12.1. Version History

There is a web page setup with the version history of this product.  Here is the link.
