HomeStar Envelope PrinterFAQ'sMy Return Address is printing about 1 1/2 inches to the right

6.2. My Return Address is printing about 1 1/2 inches to the right

Based on an assumption, you need to change a setting in the program
to make the envelopes print correctly.  All you need to do is to
change the Printer Settings to tell the system that you are printing
to an InkJet printer, which basically feeds the envelopes inverted,
or upside down.  This setting can be accessed by clicking on the Menu
Options, then Printer Settings/Options. 

Then just click on the selection that states Env. Direction: Inverted - Upside down.  After
changing this, your envelopes will print with the return addresses over to the left side of the envelope where it belongs.  Along with the rest of the print will be correct.


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