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5.4. Maintain the Box File
There is an option off the Main screen Setup menu called Box Maintenance. This will display a screen with a list all the added Mailboxes that have been added to the system. This is where you can Add/Delete/Modify the Mail Box entries that are used in the system. After the customer turns in his/her completed Enrollment form, you will enter the information provided here.
Menu Options:
The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.
- Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.
- New - This option will create a new record in the file.
- Delete - This option will cause the selected record in the file to be deleted or erased from the system. This is a non-reversal option.
- Help - This option will display the Help file you are looking at now.
- About - This option will display information about this software such as the Version number and Author.
Button Options:
New - This option will cause a new record to be added to the file.
Close - This option will close the screen and take you back to the originating screen.
- Box# - This field is used to store the actual mail box number.
- Customer# - This field is used to store an internal Customer number if needed.
- Name - This is the Customers Name.
- Address - This is the Customers Address line 1.
- Address 2 - This is the Customers Address line 2.
- Address 3 - This is the Customers Address line 3.
- City - This is the Customer City.
- State/Prov - This is the Customers State or Province.
- Zip/Postal - This is the Customers Zip or Postal Code.
- Country - This is the Customer Country.
- Box Size - This field is used to determine the size of box assigned to this customer.
- Main Phone - This is the Main phone number to contact this customer.
- Fax - This is the Fax number of the customer.
- PCS/SMS - This is the Cell phone number that will be used to Text the message to if selected to notify this way.
- SMS Service - This is the service that the Cell phone is using.
- Notification Emails - There are 3 different email addresses fields that can be used to notify the customer. Depending on the number of entries used determines the number of emails that will be sent to the customer.
- Participation - These check marks either Email or SMS or both determines how they will receive the notifications.
- Active - This check mark is used to determine if the box is active or not.
- Notes - This area is available to place whatever notes you want to reference about the customer or box.
- Start Service Date - This date is used to keep track of when the customer started the service of the box. Original start date.
- Begin Rental Date - This date is the the beginning date of the current rental period. And will change when renewed.
- End Rental Date - This date is when the rental period ends and is also the renewal date and is used when sending out renewal notifications.
- Length of Rental - This is what is used to determine the length of rental. If 12 months, then when the customer pays the bill for renewal, you just need to click on the Extend Rental Period button and the dates will automatically be increased by that period that is selected in this field.
- Renewal Cost - The cost of the renewal is displayed here for easy access to know what the cost will be for the customer to renew for the selected period amount.