HomeBoxMinderSetupSystem Options Setup

3.3. System Options Setup

This screen is used to setup your Store in the system. All the fields are pretty much self explanatory, but we will list them below with definitions. Be sure to completely fill out all the fields that are used for your individual store.


Store Phone#: This is your phone number of your store.

Store/Co Name: Name of your Store or Company name.

Address: Address line 1.

Address 2: Address line 2.

Address 3: Address line 3.

City: City

State/Prov.: State/Province

Zip/Postal: Zip Code/Postal Code.

Country: Country.

Contact Name: Your Contact Name.

Main Phone: Main Store Phone Number.

Fax: Fax Number.

PCS/SMS: Cell Phone Number.

Email: Store Email Address.

Web: Web Site Address.

Charge Customers for this Service: This if checked will tell the system that you are charging your customers to use this service. This will be used to inform the Enrollment form that there are costs involved in signing up for this service.

Cost per year: This is the amount to charge per year to use this service. This will be printed on the Enrollment form for the customer.

Automatically Check for Software Updates Check Box. This if checked, will tell the system to automatically check for software updates every 30 days via the Internet.

Use Backup Feature on Exit.  This if checked, will tell the system to prompt you to process a backup when you exit the software.

Automatically Backup on Exit.  This if checked, along with the Use Backup Feature on exit checked, will tell the system to automatically process a backup when you exit the software.  This will automatically create a backup upon exit. You will only be prompted once to tell the backup where to place the backup.  After this is set, it will just run abd backup without prompting you to do so.

Use Advertisements: This option when checked will activate the Advertisement service. It will all you to add an advertisement to the message that is sent to the customers when they have mail. This does not mean that you have to send an advertisement, just gives you the option to.

Default Advertisement to use: This selection will be the default Advertisement that will be used all the time. It can be changed before sending out the notices on the scan screen if needed.

Use Multiple Notification Types: This option when checked will allow you to use multiple notification typoes. It can be changed before sending out the notices on the scan screen if needed.
Include Subject in SMS messages: This selection if checked will include the Subject in your SMS messages that are sent out.  If not checked, it will only send the message itself as this will make the SMS message shorter and more cleaner to the end user.
Use Box Transactions Feature: This option will activate the Box Transaction Feature that will create a transaction record for all notifications for each individual box transaction that takes place.
Use Renewal Feature: This option when checked will activate the Renewal Service.  It will automatically send out Renewal Notifications to your customers as they come up for renewal.  There are 4 periods that you can set up to notify your customers either via email, text or printed document when their box is coming for renewal.  There are also predetermined messages that get set for each period.  You can find all this information under the Renewal Setup section.
Use Mail Feature:  This option when checked will activate the Mail Notifications Service.  It will allow you to scan the mailboxes that contain mail. This is used to notify the customer that they have received mail in their box. If checked it will be added to the main screen for easy access.
Use Package Feature: This option when checked will activate the Package Notification service.  It will allow you to scan packages when they are received into the store and notify your customer that they have received a package. This will be added to the main screen for easy access.
Print Package Sheets:  This option when checked will activate the Print Package Sheets option.  In conjunction with the Use Package Feature, when you send the Package Notifications it will tell the system to also print the Package Sheets that tell you what package goes to each box/customer and has a signature section for the customer to sign when a package is picked up.
Use USPS Form 1583:  This option will turn on the option to be able to use the USPS Form 1583.  This will add a button option to the Box File Maintenance screen that when you click on it, it will display the entry fields to fill out the USPS 1583 form along with an option to print the form.  It will store the data associated with the Box number so it can be referred to if needed.
Use Graphic Skin overlay in this program:  This option when checked will activate the Graphic Skin that will change the look and feel of the programs screen.
Use 13612 Pricing:  This option when checked will allow you to set up pricing for the mailboxes based on the different rental periods, such as 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month pricing breaks.  This information is shown on the Pricing and Renewal screen.
Pricing & Renewal Button:  This option will display the Pricing and Renewal screen.
Default Advertisement to use: This selection will be the default Advertisement that will be used all the time. It can be changed before sending out the notices on the scan screen if needed.
Email Setup icon/button. By clicking on this icon/button, you will be displayed the Email Setup screen. This screen contains information and settings used in the actual email output of the system. This needs to be setup once.
SMS Setup icon/button. By clicking on this icon/button, you will be displayed the SMS Setup screen. This screen contains the settings for each SMS/Cellular company settings. This should already be setup and is only there incase maintenance is needed for an individual Cellular company. This is updated during the Software Updates option also, so normally you would never need to select this option.
Print Enrollment Form icon/button. By clicking on this icon/button, the Customer Enrollment form will be printed using the information listed on this screen.

Menu Options
The main menu on this screen has extra options that you may need to be aware of, and we have described them below.



System File Options:



Here is a layout of the Enrollment forms that you can print out and place in the boxes to get the customer to join this service.

Here is the one if you choose not to charge for this service.



Here is the form if you decide to charge for the service.

If you wish to create your own, here are two MS Word documents you can download and use to get a start on.

BoxMinder for Free.doc

BoxMinder with cost.doc


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