HomeStar QuotesOperationsDetail Screen

4.2. Detail Screen

The detail screen that is displayed when you Create a new quote or Edit an existing Quote.  This screen will allow you to enter the detail information about the quotes.

The layout of the screen basically matches the printed quote form.  This makes it easier to understand and create the quotes you need.

Here is a list of the fields and information about them.

Customer#: - Customer number assigned to the customer.  This is a drop down field that will allow you to select an existing customer.  It will also jump to a customer # that is already in the system.  If one is found, then it will load the information for that customer in the screen fields.

Customer Name: - The name of the Customer

Address: - The address of the Customer.  This is formatted as Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Country.

You can also change this so that the layout is Address1, 2, 3, and 4.  This is for usage outside the US.  This can be changed in the Setup Options of the program on the Main screen.

Contact: - Contact Name of the Customer

Phone: - Phone number of Customer.

Fax: - Fax number of Customer

Cell: - Cell number of Customer

Email: - Email address of Customer.

Salesman: - Salesman name assigned to Customer

Quote Date: - Date of Quote

Due Date: - Due date of Quote.

Job: - Job Information - there are two lines of information you can add that will be printed on the form.

Other Info: - This is an addition two lines of information that you can add and will be printed on the form.

Req by: - Requested by name.

Ship Via: Ship Via - This is a lookup field that will look up data that resides in the Ship Via file.

Terms: - Terms - This is a lookup field that will look up data that resides in the Terms file.

Taxable: - Taxable checkbox.  If this quote is taxable then check this box.

Tax Rate: Tax rate percentage. If the taxable checkbox is checked, then this field will be displayed so you can enter the tax rate - such as 0.07 for seven percent tax.

Qty: - This is the quantity field for the detail line item.

UM: - This is the Unit of Measure field for the detail line item.

Item #: - This is the Item Number field for the detail line item.

Description: - This is the Description field for the detail line item.

Cost: - This is the Cost field for the detail line item.

Margin: - This is the Margin markup field for the detail line item. This will only be displayed if you have selected this in the system setup.  This will require you to enter a Margin percentage that will be calculated against the Cost to come up with the Price for the detailed line item.

Price: - This is the Price field for the detail line item.

Total Cost: - This is the Total field for the detail line item. - This is auto calculated.


GPM: - This is the Gross Profit Margin percentage field.  If you would like to calculate the profit margin of the whole quote by a percentage, then you can just enter the percentage value here.  This will cause the program to calculate the profit margin of each item on the quote by this percentage amount.  This is only available if the option is selected in the System Options Setup screen.

Sub Total: - This is the Sub-Total of all the detail line items.

S&H: - This is the Shipping and Handling fee field.  You can either enter it for each Quote, or it can be pre-loaded with a default as specified in the System Options Setup Screen.  You can also click on the S&H button to the left and it will load the default amount that was defined on the System Options Setup Screen.

Tax: - This is the Amount of Tax being charged in relation to the Sub-Total amount and calculated based on the Tax Rate.

Total: - This is the Total Amount of the Quote.

Here are some of the options you are presented with on this screen.

There are buttons that allow you to perform different options.  Here is a list and definition of those options.


This button when pressed, will create a new Quote.


This button when pressed, will print the displayed Quote.


This button when pressed, will send the displayed Quote to your MAPI Email program that will allow you to send it via email.  It will create an attachment in PDF format to be sent..


This button when pressed, will Close this screen and return you to the Main screen.

Menu Options:

The menu that is displayed on this screen allows you to select different options to process.  Below is a list of all the options available along with their meanings/functions.








New Quote


Delete - Delete the Selected Quote

Change Quote Status

Change Print Status

Jump to S&H


Customers - Maintain the Customer file

Items - Maintain the Items file

Salesmen - Maintain the Salesmen file

Unit of Measure Codes - Maintain the UM codes file

Terms - Maintain the Terms file

Ship Via - Maintain the Ship Via file


Help - This will display the programs Help file.

Star Quotes Home Page - This option will take you to the Star Quotes Web site.

Check for Software Updates - This option will connect to the Starre Software update center and check to see if there are any available updates to this program.

Send Feedback - This option will display the Starre Software Contact page to allow you to send any feedback or questions about this software.

Print Registration Form - This option will display if the program has not been registered.  If clicked on it will display a screen that will allow you to fill out and send along with your payment to Starre Software via postal mail system.

Purchase On-Line Now - This option will display if the program has not been registered.  If clicked on it will take you to the Starre Software Purchasing Web Site which will allow you to purchase this software.

About - This option will display the About screen.  This screen will display the version number of the program.

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