HomeStar QuotesSetupInitial Setup

3.1. Initial Setup

There is a setup section that need to be addressed before this system is ready for processing.  Here is a description of what and how needs to be setup.

To access the System Setup, just run the program and click on the Setup menu, then Options.

This will display the Setup Options screen. Here you will find the different settings and options. We have listed the different fields and options you have to choose from along with a description of the different settings.

Company Name/Address:

This area allows you to enter your Company or Name, along with your Address information that will customize the Quote form with this information.  These fields are not labeled directly but they are in order:

Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code

You can also change this so that the layout is Address1, 2, 3, and 4.  This is for usage outside the US.


This field stores your phone number.


This field stores your fax number. 


This field stores your email that you would like listed on the Quote form.


This field stores your web site address that you would like listed on the Quote form. 

Quote Footer Memo:

This entry field is what is printed on the bottom of the quotes.  You can change this information accordingly.


This field is used as a prefix to the Quote number.  It is defaulted to EST, and you have the option to change it to something more meaningful to you. 

Last Quote#:

This number is used to keep track of the actual quotation numbering process.  This field can be set to any starting number, but it is advisable not to change it after setting it initially.  As this could cause problems such as the system trying to create duplicate records. 

Form Header:

This field stores the name of the Form that is printed.  We suggest to either enter Estimate or Quote in this field. 

Default Sls#:

This field is the default Salesman number.  If entered, it is used as the default salesman number when creating Quotes. 

Dft. Tax Rate:

This field defines the default tax rate that is used if charging tax on the Quote.

Dft S&H:

This field defines the default Shipping and Handling charge that can be applied to the Quote either automatically or by selection during the quote entry process. 

Dft Margin:

If using the Margin entry process, this is the default amount to upcharge the cost to come up with the price.

Dft Terms:

This field is used to determine your payment terms. There are several default optons to select from.

Dft Currency Symbol:

This will load a different Currency symbol to be printed in front of the SubTotal, S&H, Tax, and Totals on the Quote.

System Options Tab 

Charge Tax:

This check box if checked tells the system to charge tax on the quotes. 

Auto Charge S&H:

This check box if checked will automatically charge the default Shipping and Handling charge if entered. 

Use Margin Markup:

This check box if checked will tell the system that you plan on using the Margin markup field during detail entry.  If this is enabled, there will be an additional entry field in the detail line entry that will take the Cost field and add the Margin percentage to create the price of the item.

Use GPM Markup: 


Auto Capitalize All fields:

This check box if checked instructs the system to make every field CAPITALIZED during entry of data.  If it is not checked, then you can control the data capitalization on your own.

Remove Shading on print:

This check box if checked will remove the shading on the printout.  This can save ink if using an injet printer.  It is not a lot of shading on the printout, but every bit helps based on the cost of ink cartridges. 

Print Logo on form:

This check box if checked will allow you to print a logo on the form.

Add Customer on the Fly:

This check box if checked will allow you to Add Customers on the fly.  This means that during the Quotation entry process, if the Customer does not exist in the Customer Database, it will be added for future usage. 

Add Items on the Fly:

This check box if checked will allow you to Add Items on the fly.  This means that during the Quotation entry process, if the Item does not exist in the Item Database, it will be added for future usage. 

Confirm Customer Additions:

This check box if checked will cause the system to ask you to Confirm the additions of Customers if you have the Add Customer on the Fly option selected. 

Confirm Item Additions:

This check box if checked will cause the system to ask you to Confirm the additions of Items if you have the Add Items on the Fly option selected. 

Search Customers by Number:

This check box if checked will allow you to search Customers by Number instead of Name. 

Search Items by Number:

This check box if checked will allow you to search Items by Number instead of Description. 

Confirmation Questions = Yes:

This check box if checked will default the Confirmation Questions to Yes instead of No.  This is used during the Item and Customer additions.  If selected to Yes, then you do not have to click the answer yes, if you add most of the items or customers.  It is used to save time and helps you to not use the mouse, as this takes time to take your hands from the keyboard to the mouse and click then back again.

Adjust Bottom Margin of Paper up:

This check box if checked will change the Bottom Margin of the Paper to move up.  This is needed on some Ink-Jet printers because they cannot handle the last part of the paper to print on.

More Tab

Remove City/State/Zip References:

This check box if checked will remove the City/State/Zip fields from the program and replace them with an Address 3, and Address 4 fields.  This was added for our friends outside the US as their address format is different. 

Remove Phone # Masking:

This check box if checked will remove the dashes that automatically are entered in the Date fields.  This was added for our friends outside the US as their phone number format is different.

Use Large Item Fields: 


Use A4 paper for printing:

This check box if checked will inform the printing process to default to the A4 paper size for printing. 

Auto Height Adjust the Main Grid:

This check box if checked will auto adjust the cell heights on the main grid.  This allows for seeing all the data in the grid cells which will wrap the data to a second line.  If unchecked, then it will only display one line in the cells and cut off seeing the other information in the cell lines.

Use pgm email instead of MAPI: 


Dbl-loop on email send:


Select your Local Date format:

This selection box is used to setup your date format to be used in the program.  The default for the US is MM/DD/YYYY.  Just select the correct one used in your part of the world.


Use Web Data Update Function:

This check box if checked will allow you to update your Customer and Item file via a web site link.  (This is still under development at this time.)


Web Update Location:

This field is used to define the location of the Web Data Update file location. (This is still under development at this time.)



This area is used to save a logo that will be used to print on the Quote.  This will only be displayed if the Print Logo on the form check box is checked.


Menu Options:

The menu that is displayed on this screen allows you to select different options to process.  Below is a list of all the options available along with their meanings/functions.






Clear Data Files - This will allow you to clear the data files in the program.  It will ask which data file to clear before processing.

Turn ON/OFF Dbl Email Create on Initial Send - This option may be used on some systems that when you try to call the email program, it may not attach the quote on the initial call.  If so, then turn this option on.  Otherwise, leave it off.



Help - This will display the programs Help file.


About - This option will display the About screen.  This screen will display the version number of the program.

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